Modern Physics for Chemical Engineers (MPCE)

Last update:  Jan. 18. 2025.

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Course info MPCE Course Requirements(MSc)


The course covers introductions to two disciplines: Quantum Mechanics and Solid State Physics. After the semester you should be able to understand the basic principles behind these two disciplines and solve some simple quantum mechanical and solid state physics problems. This will contribute to the understanding of the workings of modern electronics and nanotechnology.

To follow the curse no higher mathematics than algebra and the basics of the differential and integral calculus is required.



Péter Richter Send mail Quantum Mechanics - 6+1/2 weeks
András Sólyom Send mail Solid State Physics - 6+1/2 weeks

Class Timetable

Will be announced for the actual semester

Lecture Notes

Hand written Lecture Notes

Book (-revised) The official material of the lectures)

The book contains all of the material of the course, but it delves into the topics deeper than there is time during the term.
For the tests or the examinations you need to know only what is presented during the lecturers!
(One more reason to attend the lectures! 🌝 )
The book cannot be downloaded as one file here. The first and unrevised version of it, however, can be downloaded as a single EPUB, PDF, PRC or a combined ZIP file from the Digital Textbook Library (in Hungarian 'Digitális Tankönyvtár')


General Info

Test Timetable

The time table for the makeup (repeated) tests may change!

Test Results

Examination information

What you MUST know to pass the exam (with answers)

General Information

Only valid during the semester

Examination topics

Example Problems

To help you better, solutions given here are much more verbose than usually required for perfect answers and solutions. Actual tests may differ from these in both the number of questions and the distribution of theoretical questions or quizes and problems. There may be mistakes in the solutions. If you find any, please notify me

Problems collected from the Lecture notes (PDF)

Material of previous mid-term tests (with solutions)

Quantum Mechanics
Solid State Physics

Old tests on Written exams

At one time in the past the examination was a two-parter: first part was written and the second one was oral. Now the examination is only oral. These problems are left here to give you more examples to learn from.

Old News