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C. Buschmann, S. Konanz, M. Zhou, S. Lenk, L. Kocsányi, A. Barócsi Excitation kinetics of chlorophyll fluorescence during light-induced greening and establishment of photosynthetic activity of barley seedlings. PHOTOSYNTHETICA 51:(2) pp. 221-230. (2013)
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T. Sarkadi, P. Koppa Optical encryption using pseudorandom complex spatial modulation. APPLIED OPTICS (1962-1989) 51:(34) pp. 8068-8073. Paper 00036935. (2012)
G. Mihajlik, P. Maák, A. Barócsi Simulation of light propagation in anisotropic, optically active and slightly inhomogeneous medium, concerning the acousto-optic interaction. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 285:(9) pp. 2255-2265. (2012)
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T. Sarkadi, P. Koppa Quantitative security evaluation of optical encryption using hybrid phase and amplitude modulated keys. APPLIED OPTICS 51: pp. 1-5. Paper 156174. (2012)
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Felületfizika Laboratórium
S.-Y. Lee, M. Widmann, T. Rendler, M. Doherty, T. Babinec, S. Yang, M. Eyer, P. Siyushev, B. Haussmann, M. Loncar, Z. Bodrog, Á. Gali, N. Manson, H. Fedder, J. Wrachtrup Readout and control of a single nuclear spin with a meta-stable electron spin ancilla. NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY 8:(12) pp. 487-497. (2013)
V. Mertinger, M. Benke, G. Kiss, F. Réti Degradation of a corrosion and heat resistant steel pipe. ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS 29: pp. 38-44. (2013)
P. Siyushev, H. Pinto, M. Vörös, Á. Gali, F. Jelezko, J. Wrachtrup Optically Controlled Switching of the Charge State of a Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond at Cryogenic Temperatures. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 110:(16) Paper 167402. 5 p. (2013)
T. Lohner, P. Csíkvári, P. Petrik, Gy. Hárs Spectroellipsometric characterization of nanocrystalline diamond layers. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 281: pp. 113-117. (2013)
B. Sebők, G. Kiss, G. Dobos, F. Réti, T. Majoros, O. H. Krafcsik Novel instrument and method for the investigation of small permeation fluxes of gases through different membranes. MEASUREMENT 46:(9) pp. 3516-3524. (2013)
N. Mizuochi, T. Makino, H. Kato, D. Takeuchi, M. Ogura, H. Okushi, M. Nothaft, P. Neumann, Á. Gali, F. Jelezko, J. Wrachtrup, and S. Yamasaki Electrically driven single photon source at room temperature in diamond. NATURE PHOTONICS 6 299-303 (2012).
M. Vörös, T. Demjén, T. Szilvási, Á. Gali Tuning the Optical Gap of Nanometer-Size Diamond Cages by Sulfurization: A Time-Dependent Density Functional Study. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 108:(26) p. 267401. Paper 267401. (2012)
V. Mertinger, M. Benke, G. Kiss, F. Réti Degradation of a corrosion and heat resistant steel pipe. ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS 29: pp. 38-44. (2013)
F. Yan, R.P. Devaty, W.J. Choyke, Á. Gali, T. Kimoto, T. Ohshima, and G. Pensl Anharmonic vibrations of the dicarbon antisite defect in 4H-SiC. Applied Physics Letters 100 132107 (2012).
S.V. Zhuravsky, M.T. Kartel, Y.O. Tarasenko, S. Villar-Rodil, G. Dobos, A. Tóth, J.M.D. Tascón, K. László N-containing carbons from styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer by urea treatment. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 258:(7) pp. 2410-2415. (2012)
T. Lohner, P. Csíkvári, N.Q. Khánh, S. Dávid, Z.E. Horváth, P. Petrik, Gy. Hárs Spectroellipsometric and ion beam analytical investigation of nanocrystalline diamond layers. THIN SOLID FILMS 519: pp. 2806-2810. (2011)
G. Dobos, A. Somogyi, S. Lenk, F. Ujhelyi, Zs. Szita, L. Kocsányi Application of the photomodulated reflectance technique to the monitoring of metal layers. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C - CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS 8:(9) pp. 2961-2964. (2011)