The department
Head of Department
Pál Koppa, :+361 463 1855,
Deputy Head of Department:
Attila Barócsi :+361 463 1374,
Gábor Kiss :+361 463 4208,
Faculty members:
Surface Science Laboratory:
Péter Csíkváriresearch assistant+361 463 1589
Ádám Gali
professor+361 463 1580
Patrik Gádorosresearch fellow+361 463 1393
György HársProfessor emeritus+361 463 4205
Gábor Kissassociate professor. Laboratory head+361 463 4208
László Kocsányiprofessor emeritus+361 463 4207
Olga Krafcsikassociate professor+361 463 1589
Anton Pershinresearch fellow+361 463 1580
András László Reichardtmaster teacher+361 463 4357
Ferenc Rétiprofessor emeritus+361 463 4208
András Sólyomemeritus associate professor+361 463 1584
Optics Laboratory:
Attila Barócsiassociate professor+361 463 1374
Gábor Erdeiassociate professor, Head of Lab.+361 463 4206
Csaba Hollóresearch assistant+361 463 4206
Pál Koppaprofessor+361 463 1855
Emőke LőrinczProfessor emeritus+361 463 4204
Sándor Lenkassociate professor+361 463 4201
Pál Andor Maákassociate professor+361 463 4203
Péter Richterprofessor emeritus+361 463 1588
Tamás Sarkadiassociate professor+361 463 4192
Honorary Professors
Fleischer, Maximilian- Siemens AG +49 89 636 40049
Herndon, Roy C.:- Florida State University 1 850 644 5207
Meixner, Hans:- Siemens ZFE +49 89 430 592
Krausz, Ferenc,:- Max-Planck Institute of Quntum Optics (49) 89 32905 602
Varga, Péter:- KFKI 392 2222/1850
Szarvas, Gábor:- Optimal Optik Kft +36 1 430 1125
Assistant Staff
Szilvia Biróadministrative staff+361 463 1854
Gábor Dajkaadministrative staff+361 463 1448
Eszter Horváthadministrative staff+361 463 4199
Mónika Lakatosassistant+361 463 4200
Béla Pielskilled electrician+361 463 4198
Anikó Rejhaassistant+361 463 4200
Imre Tóthtechnician (optics)+361 463 2139
Violetta Tóthadministrative staff+361 463 4193
György Zemplényitechnician+361 463 2334